ESCOM, the European Society for Cognitive Sciences Of Music, celebrates its 25 years of activities with a special conference that is hosted from 31 July – 4 August 2017 by Prof. Dr. Marc Leman and his team from IPEM at the University of Ghent in Belgium.
The following weeks we are presenting you the full program. You are invited to propose a contribution, when our call is issued. We are looking forward to your presence.
Preliminary Program
Monday 31 July 2017
- Evening Registration
Tuesday 1 August 2017 PERCEPTION
- Keynote: Martin Clayton - Expression and predictive processing
- Evening Performance
Wednesday 2 August 2017 PERFORMANCE
- Keynote: Tom Fritz - Expressions in music-based interactive (bio)feedback
- Social dinner + performances
Thursday 3 August 2017 AESTHETICS
- Keynote: Elvira Bratico - Expressive (e)motional empowerment through music
- Keynote: ESCOM
- Reception 25 years ESCOM
Friday 4 August 2017
- Morning workshops and roundtable